6 Most Common Enemies of Gratitude: How to Tackle These Roadblocks

Divya Iyer
4 min readNov 7, 2023
Original digital artwork by the author

Gratitude is like a warm hug for your soul. It has this incredible power to make life’s ups and downs a bit more beautiful. It’s like putting on a pair of glasses that help you see the world in a brighter light. But, you know what? Sometimes, gratitude has to wrestle with a few sneaky foes that try to steal its spotlight. These villains can make it tough to feel thankful for the good stuff in our lives, whether it’s the big victories or the little everyday joys. In this post, let’s dive into these gratitude blockers and about how to kick them to the curb. By doing that, we’ll unlock a happier, more fulfilling life where gratitude shines its warm light even brighter.


Think about when you were a kid, and your parents used to do things for you. Back then, you might have taken it all for granted, thinking it was just how things were supposed to be. But as we grow up, sometimes we carry this mindset into adulthood. We start to view what our parents did for us as an entitlement rather than something to be grateful for.

Imagine your parents making your favorite meal when you visited them. When you were young, it felt like a given, right? But now, as an adult, it’s not just about a meal; it’s a gesture of love and care. Overcoming entitlement means recognizing that many…



Divya Iyer

Educational Leadership | Community Building & Research | Experienced Educator in 3 Continents